
I  was born on the 13th of October (which was a Tuesday), live in the state of Vermont. I had the idea of publishing a book for numerous of years now. Only problem at the time was, how would I publish them and who would read it? After seeing friends publish work on various places I decided to ask around. School was the first time I tried poetry, it was 6th grade when my first ever piece called “The Bee” was in a book, year later another one of mine got published from the same class, which that was called “Come With Me” which is featured in my first book.

“For the Broken Hearted” was the idea I had gotten before publishing it on December 22, 2015. I wanted to try helping people once I got through a six month depression in 2005, I was saved by a band called Bleeding Through. My book “For the Broken Hearted” is all my original works from 2001-2008, 2009 was a year I didn’t write then I wrote from 2010-2015. It’s full of poems anyone can relate to if not all of it. From betrayal, unloved, losing someone close to you, politics and more. I created this book for those that need a voice to help defeat their demons.

Few weeks later around the beginning of the new year of 2016, “Haunted Nightmares” was released on the 6th of January. Originally this was supposed to be the last book, which included all my lyrics from when I was in two bands before I started a solo project.

When I first finished my second book I wasn’t actually planning on doing another book, which was titled “Enemy Of Everything”. After finding just enough to have a “minimum” page for a book I decided to write one more. This books theme came from the lyrics I had found, which lead to what I feel is my meaning behind the cover. It symbolizes all the pain, suffering, betrayal and etc that I’ve battled and won. It shows I bled when I possibly should have passed on. I focused my attention on new lyrics for the book while writing “My Authors Pages” in the book. I wanted this to be pissed off just like I had felt writing my old lyrics and new. This book is truly where my anger comes from, once you’ve set it off. Like the back of the book says, “YOU. HAVE. BEEN. WARNED.”. Meaning once you read this one, you’ll either talk with me still or stop chatting with me.

“Till the Death of Me Collection” was the first time I brought in a Hardcover Edition of one of my books. Finding a site suitable enough to fit my need of material I published this collection, featuring all three books in one plus a bonus chapter that also showed off new lyrics from myself while featuring work from friends. This is the ultimate collection.

“The Light In the Darkness” which message I believe is quite clear, I’m creating this book to help others understand through a dark path that I and possibly you have or will journey through which leads you to what I believe is my soul mate and forever. It also comes with a bonus chapter. This book takes on subjects from bullying, suicide, feeling lost, finding yourself, giving up, not giving up and more.

As 2018 starts, I will let you know to whomever reads this. If you have enjoyed anything you have read, please note I am returning again for 2019. New book is entitled “Destroy. Rebuild.”