Terror Trail III: The Finale

Hello lovely people, It's been a while since I've done a post on here. So let's begin, first off thank you for following my projects if it's been a nice ride of something Indie Created. Myself and the friends that helped create these stories whether it's books, comics or the short films. We want toContinue reading "Terror Trail III: The Finale"

From Beyond… Coming September!

Hello Mortals! It's been a bit since I last posted anything to let you all know what is going on behind the scenes. With that in mind, the next comic from myself and Mike Myers is almost here! Mike and I present you... Plot; When hazardous waste accidently enters our food chain, the only outcomeContinue reading "From Beyond… Coming September!"

Terror Trail II Available to Watch For FREE!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVMg_XFlUAM Synopsis: Following right after the original, John and Eric make their way through Glastenbury Mountain as they search for their friend. Maybe they should have done more research of the disappearances and activities that had happened throughout the area.